Chandrababu naidu padayatra

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  • padayatra ysr, vastunna meekosam padayatra, when would opposition parties stop taking on ruling parties, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    When would opposition parties stop taking on ruling parties? 16 February 2013

    Did Congress leaders looted the public money in the name of Jalayagnam? These could be just allegations made by Chandrababu Naidu, the opposition leader and TDP supremo to all those who apparently knew that Congress in the state had been...

    Keywords: opposition parties congress rule, vastunna meekosam padayatra, chandrababu naidu padayatra, chandrababu naidu padayatra

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    last leg of chandrababu padayatra, TDP leaders, chandrababu naidu padayatra s last leg, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Chandrababu Naidu Padayatra's last leg 25 April 2013

    TDP chief N. Chandrababu Naidu is going to mark the highest point of his 2,900-km Vastunna Meekosam walkathon on April 27 on a brisk pace at Kurmannapalem. The work of the pylon will be unveiled by him. Chandrababu will enter...

    Keywords: 500 buses 12 trains babu padayatra, chandrababu padayatra, chandrababu padayatra, last leg of chandrababu padayatra

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    ap budget sessions babu, hand look weaving community congress, ap budget sessions babu finds fault with governor s address, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    AP budget sessions: Babu finds fault with Governor's address 13 March 2013

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has seriously found fault with the customary address of Governor to the joint sitting of legislative assembly and council to mark the opening of budget sessions today. Chandrababu has alleged that the Governor's speech was filled...

    Keywords: ap budget sessions babu, chandrababu naidu padayatra, hand look weaving community congress, vastunna meekosam padayatra

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    vastunna meekosam padayatra, telangana state chandrababu, cong using telangana issue chandrababu, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Cong using Telangana issue: Chandrababu 08 December 2012

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has reiterated that TDP was not against statehood for Telangana. Babu said these words at a face-face communication with public at Bhainsa today as a part of his padayatra Vastunna Meekosam. He has lashed out at...

    Keywords: telangana state chandrababu, telangana vastunna meekosam, letter to all party meeting, congress all party meeting

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    Chandrababu Naidu padayatra, Krishna district, babu s new strategy to tackle balayya, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Babu's new strategy to tackle Balayya 17 January 2014

    The upcoming general elections are like life and death for the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and chief Chandrababu Naidu. As TDP was out of power for over a decade, it should be able to get back in business or else...

    Keywords: Telugu Desam Party, Babu's new strategy to tackle Balayya, Krishna district, Krishna district

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    tdp padayatra nalgonda, chandrababu telangana state, vastunna meekosam evokes solid response, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Vastunna Meekosam evokes solid response 19 January 2013

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra is going on in Nalgonda district. Notably, today it's his third day in this district. As expected, padayatra of Chandrababu Naidu in Nalgonda evoked good response. Despite Telangana heat in this district, it...

    Keywords: chandrababu naidu padayatra, nalgonda district padayatra, chandrababu telangana state, nalgonda district padayatra

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    vastunna meekosam, test match toss kolkata, morning wishesh upa fdi bill voting on fdi today, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Morning Wishesh: UPA FDI Bill- Voting on FDI Today 05 December 2012

    Good morning folks, welcome to morning wishesh-headlines at glance. Today is an important day for everyone of us as a voting would be taking place on FDI Bill. The bill if passed would enable foreign companies to directly invest in...

    Keywords: banned india, test match toss kolkata, fdi voting lok sabha, fdi voting lok sabha

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    lokesh chandrababu, padayatra bhuvaneshwari, vastunna meekosam day 3 in medak, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Vastunna Meekosam: Day 3 in Medak 20 November 2012

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra will continue in Medak district today. This will be his third day tour in this district. Babu would cover over hundred villaged in a ten-day-tour in Medak district. Today, he would resume his...

    Keywords: chandrababu naidu, padayatra bhuvaneshwari, medak vastunna meekosam, vastunna meekosam

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    farmer loans, farmer loans, vastunna meekosam babu lashes out at ysr family, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Vastunna Meekosam: Babu lashes out at YSR family 03 December 2012

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has promised that he would give 15 MLA tickets to Muslim brethren. He made this promise during his padayatra in Nizamabad district. It is known that Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra is going on in full...

    Keywords: vasutnna meekosam, farmer loans, farmer loans, vasutnna meekosam

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    Chandrababu naidu padayatra, Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu, now ap cm sings more kids tune, Chandrababu naidu padayatra

    Now, AP CM sings More Kids tune 19 January 2015

    It is not Sakshi Maharaj or any other BJP leader who has asked the people to have more children but it is Andhra Pradesh chief minister Shri Nara Chandrababu Naidu who appealed to the people to have two or more...

    Keywords: Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu, Chandrababu Naidu, Sakshi Maharaj

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