• Baby birth, Obesity, children born by caesarian prone more to obesity, Caesarian

    Children Born By Caesarian Prone More To Obesity 27 February 2014

    A study by the UK researchers revealed that the children born through caesarian are prone more for obesity in their later part of life compared to those borne naturally.  38000 births were analyzed to come to this conclusion.  It was...

    Keywords: activity of genes, Children Born, stress of a natural birth, Baby birth

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    good or bad, after delivery, working after delivery good or bad, Caesarian

    Working After Delivery: Good Or Bad? 29 November 2012

    After the delivery, a doctor advises the new mother to be on rest for at least two or more weeks. Depending on the delivery and the level of improvement in the body, a new mother is advised to go back...

    Keywords: home, after delivery, take rest, women delivery

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