Andhra university professor

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  • Andhra university professor, faculty, sexual harassment case against andhra university professor, Andhra university professor

    Sexual harassment case against Andhra university professor 17 May 2012

    Andhra University has hit the headlines for all bad reasons. A teaching associate and a professor in meteorology and oceanography department sought sexual favour from M. Tech student. The shocking incident came to light when the university authorities handed over...

    Keywords: M. Tech student, Andhra university professor, Andhra University, Andhra university professor

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    Andhra University, Maoists links, au professor detained, Andhra university professor

    AU Professor detained 06 November 2014

    A Professor from Andhra University was arrested by the police as they suspect him to have links with Maoists. Initially there were rumours that the Professor was kidnapped but the police stepped into action and cleared the air. Vizag SP...

    Keywords: Andhra University, Maoists, Maoists links, Vizag Police

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