Binge-drinking effects memory of teenagers 29 April 2015
Heavy alcohol consumption in adolescent age may result in long lasting changes in parts of the brain and affects their memory, study revealed. The study was published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research."In the eyes of the law,...
Keywords: teenage binge drinking effects memory, alcohol consumption of teenagers damages brain cells, alcohol consumption effects teenagers brain, alcohol consumption effects teenagers brain
Read MoreIntellection of stress can cause sickness! 29 June 2013
Researchers known to have discovered just thinking about being stressed can make individuals fall seriously ill as well as make greater the possibility of suffering a heart attack. It was researched, at the time following beyond 7,000 civil servants over...
Keywords: stress-related complaints, suffering a heart attack, Intellection of stress can cause sickness, stress-related complaints
Read MoreMild drinking can cut disability in chronic pain patients 22 July 2015
Do you know the fact that alcohol consumption benefits chronic pain patients? It was revealed by the researchers from University of Aberdeen in Scotland. The study was carried out on 2, 239 with chronic widespread pain, the key feature of...
Keywords: Mild drinking can lower chronic pain, Alcoholic drink can lower disability in chronic pain patients, Mild drinking can lower chronic pain, Mild drinking can cut disability in chronic pain patients
Read MoreAdolescent drinking leaves long lasting effect on genes 04 April 2015
The new study revealed that teenagers who binge drink could be damaging the brain development of their brains and results in psychiatric disorders including alcoholism in later life.The study, published in the journal Neurobiology of Disease, found evidence that binge...
Keywords: alcohol consumption affects teenagers behaviour, adolescent drinking effects genes, Binge-drinking affect on genes, adolescent drinking effects genes
Read MoreThe Top Six Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body 05 October 2017
The Top Six Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body:- According to a recent study, when compared to women, drinking alcohol regularly may put men at a higher risk of health ailments. Yes, it is true! while most of us think...
Keywords: Alcohol Consumption Effects On Body, Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body, Alcohol Consumption Effects On Body, Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body
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