Afzal guru death

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  • afzal guru death penalty, kasab hanged, another 14 to follow kasab, Afzal guru death

    Another 14 to follow Kasab? 22 November 2012

    If we look into the status of capital punishment in the country we'll find that as many as 14 mercy petitions from 18 convicts are pending before President Pranab Mukherjee, following the rejection of a similar plea from Mumbai terror...

    Keywords: afzal guru death penalty, kasab hanged, ajmal kasab, mercy petetions to president

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    Afzal Guru's fate, Afzal Guru, what afzal guru death means to india, Afzal guru death

    What Afzal Guru death means to India! 09 February 2013

    Mohammad Afzal Guru, a Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist was the mastermind behind the attack on the epitome of democratic India, the Parliament in December, 2001. Five heavily-armed terrorists drove into the Parliament complex and opened fire. Nearly 9 people, mostly from the...

    Keywords: Afzal Guru's fate, Afzal Guru, Afzal Guru executed, Ajmal Kasab

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    afzal guru, tihar jail., kashmir under curfew, Afzal guru death

    Kashmir under curfew! 09 February 2013

    Afzal Guru who was the guilty behind the parliament attack has been hanged to death and  as a reason of it's impact, a  curfew imposed on the capital city of Srinagar and other towns. Moreover, a senior Police official confirmed...

    Keywords: kashmir curfew, afzal guru hanging, Jammu & Kashmir, afzal guru hanging

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