7 billion mark

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  • 700 crores of humans on earth, 700 crores of humans on earth, planet earth s human population reaches 7 billons, 7 billion mark

    Planet Earth’s human population reaches 7 Billons 31 October 2011

    As the planet earth’s human population is set to reach the figure of 7 billion (700 crores) today, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called upon the world to have unity of purpose among nations and societies to address the problems...

    Keywords: 7 billion mark, Human population, world population, UNO

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    world population, 700 crores of humans on earth, up born nargis of india is 7 billionth human, 7 billion mark

    UP born Nargis of India is 7 billionth human 31 October 2011

    Plan India, an NGO, said the symbolic seven-billionth baby of the world was born in India at 7.20 am near Lucknow. Bhagyeshwari, Executive Director of the NGO, said the baby was born to the couple Vinita and Ajay at a...

    Keywords: world population, seven billionth human, 7 billionth baby, world population

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