100 days formula

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  • Another CM to follow Modi's formula, 100 days formula of Gujarat CM Anandiben Patel, another cm to follow modi s formula, 100 days formula

    Another CM to follow Modi's formula 24 June 2014

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after taking oath directed his cabinet colleagues to set a 100 days agenda for work and complete them within the given deadline. Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu liked this concept and he also directed his cabinet...

    Keywords: Gujarat CM Anandiben Patel, Industrial Development in Gujarat, governance of Gujarat, Another CM to follow Modi's formula

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    BJP, Efficient governance, modi s 100 days formula, 100 days formula

    Modi's 100 days formula 29 May 2014

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems like seriously focused in his work. At the union cabinet meeting today, Modi has directed his council of ministers to set a 100 days agenda which focuses on efficient governance, delivery and implementation of programmes....

    Keywords: union cabinet meeting, BJP, Modi's 100 days formula, Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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