On Friday, the BSE benchmark Sensex elevated by over 48 points in early trade after Thursday’s steep fall, on the back of selective buying by funds in stocks of consumer durables, capital goods and metal.
Moreover, the 30-share barometer rose by 48.24 points, or 0.26 per cent to 18,909.78. The index had lost 290.87 points in the previous session to touch three-month low. At the same time, the wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty moved up by 12.30 points, or 0.22 per cent, to 5,705.35.
According to the Brokers, emergence of buying by funds in select stocks and covering-up of short positions by speculators, helped trading sentiments to improve but a weak trend in overseas markets restricted the gains.
In fact, on Friday in the Asian region, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was down 0.27 per cent, while Japan’s Nikkei by 0.82 per cent in early trade while the US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 0.15 per cent lower in Thursday’s trade.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)