Corporate India is quite impressed with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. On Friday the consortium of modern India were lavish while praising Modi. Admiring his administration capabilities the group of visionaries assured the left wing leader of abundant investments in the state. The Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013 that commenced yesterday saw nearly 50,000 or more stalwarts from the Indian business horizons land in the state. This summit is a welcome initiative to investments in the state and to a major extent has achieved his target, claim sources.
The Ambani brothers were all of praise for the Gujarat CM and assured huge investments in the state. In his opening address Reliance ADAG Chairman Anil Ambani chairman was very generous in his appreciation of the CM. He was followed by none other than his own brother and Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani who was also all of praise for the doyen.
The Tata's visionary who just stepped down from the top position last month, Ratan Tata claimed that Modi should be credited for the achievements of Gujarat in drawing investments.
Apart from the above many more were all of praise for the leader who won the elections for the fourth time and was claimed the throne for the third consecutive time. It was remarkable moments for the visionary CM who hopes to be the PM through the General Elections 2014. hail the leader! (Wishesh AarKay)