United Breweries has launched a new premium beer-Kingfisher Ultra-in Hyderabad market on Tuesday. Available in 650 and 330 MLs, the cost of this beer is Rs. 120 and Rs. 60 respectively. Talking about this ultra premium beer, the general manager of United Breweries Gurpreet Singh has said that Kingfisher Ultra was introduced as an experiment in April in the state and since it has received good response in the state, they said they launched this superior premium beer. He has also said that Kingfisher Ultra was targeted at youth.
Mr. Singh has said that three crore cartons of beer were sold in 2010-11 and the sale increased by 20 per cent this year as the company sold three-and-half crore cases in 2011-12. He has also said that Kingfisher Ultra would be limited to Hyderabad market as of now. The company was planning to introduce this superior premium beer in Vijayawada and Vishakapatnam in near future. (Phani)