Getting busy with day to day schedules, we spend sleepless nights. At any point of time in a day, we always feel sleep sick and we just think like how good it would be, if the money can be earned without this stress.
NASA is providing the opportunity of earning lakhs if you just take rest. Yes, you heard it right. For a continuous rest of 70 days, NASA is ready to offer 11 lakhs.
It is a 3 month study that aims at finding out ways to keep astronauts healthier and safer when they spend a long time in space. Initially, for 3 weeks, few breaks are allowed, but after that grace time continuously for 70 days, the person should strictly stick to bed.
NASA said "Head down bed rest is a good way to mimic a person traveling in space without gravity,"
While traveling in the space without gravity, there will be some of the changes that body might go at that time. Through this head down bed rest research, all those movements in the body can be found out.
NASA said, during the period the selected candidate will participate in various reconditioning activities that are arranged. It is in a search of some healthy citizens in the US, who will have to pass few fitness tests and most important thing is they have to be of a similar physical condition of an astronaut.
By Phani