Gotham is supposed to be in America, fictionally speaking and the caped hero, Batman, was supposed to be summoned by a Bat Signal in the clouds during an event of crime. One man in the exact same dress of Batman came out into the streets and fought a burglar from committing the crime. He also surrendered the nabbed accused to the police. One thing he really had in common was the disappearing into the dark part after surrendering the man.
In a CCTV footage of Bradford in Northern England, a person wearing a poorly fitted Batman costume, with gloves, cape and mask was seen bringing a 27 year old perpetrator to the police station.
Suspect nabbed was handling stolen goods and associated with other frauds. He was arrested by the police but they have no idea yet of who the man in the dark cape is.
"The person who brought the wanted man into the station was dressed in a full Batman outfit; his identity, however, remains unknown." the Yorkshire police department said.
The CCTV footage was monitored only on Monday though the suspect was surrendered on Feb 25th. Do you have a Batman under your skin?
(AW- Anil)