An old man, 65, hailing from Taranaki, New Zealand who was suffering from diabetes was poisoned after he consumed vodka that interacted with his medication causing him to go blind but fortunately, whisky came to his rescue.
Denis Duthie, 65, was celebrating his parent's 50th marriage anniversary as they all decided to have a small party with drinks. After a few drinks, he walked to his bedroom but he slowly lost vision and was unable to see anything. He thought it was because it went dark but it was only half-past-three. He later decided to sleep the blindness off but the unfortunate guy had to fumble even in the morning.
"I was fumbling around the bedroom for the light switch but ... I'd just gone completely blind," he said.
He was immediately taken to a hospital for treatment. The doctors immediately understood the scenario as a case of formaldehyde poisoning and asked for medical methanol which is to be administered in the stomach to relieve of the poisoning.
When they realized that the hospital was out of medical methanol, they had to go for their only alternative, liquor from the stores which contains around 42.8% of methanol. A registrar was was aked to buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label whisky from the store which was promptly administered to the victim.
Five days later, Denis could see like he did previous. This proves the contemporary maxim that alcohol is the cause of the problem and also the cure for the problem.
(AW- Anil)