Trinamool Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party leaders have clash in Rajya Sabha over Sahara group chief Subrata Roy’s ‘red diary. According to sources Trinamool Congress has showed in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha the copies of red diary. It was reportedly recovered from Sahara group chief Subrata Roy, which it has claimed that involvement of some BJP leaders.
In the Lok Sabha, Trinamool Congress leaders have rushed to the well shouting slogans against BJP, as the party members called for justice. India Prime Minister Narendra Modi should justify what action CBI has taken after the BJP leaders name allegedly figured out in the Subrata Roy’s ‘red diary.
Trinamool Congress leader Sudip Bandyopadhyay had given a notice for suspension during Question Hour to talk the issue, which it was refused by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan. Later, Trinamool leaders were staged a walkout as they were not allowed from raising the issue.
- Simha Raju