News channels TV9 and ABN Andhra Jyothy journalists staged a protest in Delhi outside Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar's residence demanding to restore the telecast of channels in the state. It was an unplanned protest and quite a good number of journalists participated in the agitation. When the protests were going on, TRS MPs Vinod and Jithender Reddy arrived at KCR's residence to meet. Journalists demanded to lift the ban on channels but MPs claimed that they are not responsible for this.
TV9 and ABN Andhra Jyothy were streaming was blocked in Telangana state for making derogatory statements and unclaimed stories defaming the government. However, without the concern of government, Telangana MSOs have stopped the telecast of TV9 and ABN without notice. Though this issue was brought to the notice of Central government, all the efforts went in vain.
(AW: Vamshi)