Two people were held in Tanzanian girl strip case in Bengaluru, which took place on Sunday night.
Pulling out of her car, a 21-year old Tanzanian student in Bengaluru, was stripped, molested and beaten up severely.
The victim said that, though the police constable was at the site, he stood and watched the violence, but did not come to help her.
The victim was driving past the Ganapathinagar neighborhood in the northern part of Bengaluru, 30 minutes after a drunken Sudanese driver had knocked down an Indian woman and killed her.
The residents who could not take this, had set fire to his car and beaten him, before he managed to escape.
Reportedly, several groups of residents were still raging on the street, when the Business management student, drove by with her friends.
Eyewitnesses said that, when the residents saw another car with African students, they set upon it, too. They reportedly pulled out all the students and thrashed them.
Bosco Kaweesi, adviser to the All Africans Students' Union said, “The girl was overpowered by the mob. They stripped her naked and she tried to enter a bus, the passengers pushed her outside. She tried to get an auto-rickshaw, they refused to take her. And she was running up and down when she actually had no clothes on.”
India's foreign minister, Sushma Swaraj, tweeted, “We are deeply pained over the shameful incident with a Tanzanian girl in Bengaluru." She added that she has asked the local government to "ensure safety and security of all foreign students and stringent punishment for the guilty.”
Currently, the Bengaluru Police detained two youths in connection with the incident.
The police, who had initially refused to accept the victim's complaint, were forced to act as the All African Students' Union brought their plight to the notice of human rights activists.
The police tried to cover up saying that, the communication gap and language issues made them delay to accept the complaint.
By Phani Ch