Finally ‘Kapu’ community got one special reason to smile, after the government had released the G.O.
As discussed earlier, the Kapu along with Balija, Telaga and Ontari Communities in the state are socially, educationally and economically in the backward condition than the other forward castes and is still being treated as a forward caste.
To prove it in simple terms, the population of Kapu in the country is 1.2 crores, where they earn on an average of Rs.90 per head. That means they are not even earning a beer bottle, which is more than their earning income.
It implies that a Kapu is not able to earn a single meal per head. But on the other side, the government spent Rs.2000 crores, in the name of Godavari Pushkaraalu.
So may be the analysis was made in the manner above and so finally released a G.O, which now gave a relief to the Kapus and other mentioned communities above.
Hardik Patel fight still on
On the other side, Hardik patel, who even moved Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has currently alleged to be involved in a sex scandal. In the video, a look-a-like of Hardik Patel is spotted with another guy and a girl on bed. Currently, he is trying to come out of the issue. But the intellectuals say that, some big hands are involved behind alleged Hardik Patel’s sex video.
The video could also be a ploy to tarnish the image of the 22-year-old Patel leader who has brought Gujarat on a standstill. Patel led the stir that plunged Gujarat into violence which claimed 10 lives and properties worth crore were damaged.
Whatever be the situation, Hardik Patel’s fight against the government did not stop and is going strong day by day. As of now, he earned an immense craze among the ‘Patels’, or in that sense by the entire country, who are against the reservations. The destiny should find a solution for this 22 year old dynamic young boy.
By Phanindra