Bharatiya Janata Party National President Amit Shah's tour of Telangana is turning out to be very productive. Yesterday in Hyderabad, Amit addressed the party workers and instructed them to strengthen party in every corner of both the Telugu speaking states. “2019 is our target in Telangana and BJP should come into government here and the party should grow into many folds in Andhra state so that we should become the king makers,” said Amit. He also asked the party workers to get ready for the GHMC elections and prove BJP is not weak in Hyderabad or Telangana.
To build BJP in Andhra Pradesh, Amit decided to tour the state after the Assembly sessions. After, addressing the party workers, Amit separately met BJP Andhra leaders and discussed several strategies to build the party in the state. Andhra leaders requested Amit to tour the state which could boost the party workers. Accepting the request, Amit gave green signal to visit AP and also confirmed his arrival.
In the presence of Amit Shah, former DGP and YSR Congress party leader Dinesh Reddy and MLC Dileep Kumar and several Congress leaders of Hyderabad joined BJP.
(AW: Vamshi)