Andhra Pradesh government has appointed a special advisory committee which will give valuable suggestions and action plan for development of the new capital in the state. The committee will be head by Municipal minister Narayana and will give detailed reported on the construction of Raj Bhavan, High Court, AP Secretariat, Assembly, Council with all the amenities and also will look at other natural resources which will make a perfect capital for the AP state. This committee will be meeting KC Sivaramakrishnan committee in Delhi on July 22nd.
The committee is time bounded one and should carve out all the facilities like transport, real estate, land, water, oil and other resources. It should also guide the government to extract more funds apart from the central government and look out for investors. This committee will also hire internationally claimed experts. Speaking after appointing committee, Narayana said, “Guntur is the most preferred place for capital but it is upto the government to zero upon a place. According to my view, Guntur has access to the North Andhra and Rayalaseema and estimate around Rs 1.70 lakh crores for the construction of capital.”
Guntur MP Galla Jayadev, GVK group GV Sanjay Reddy, GMR group B Srinivas, Nuziveedu seeds chairman M Prabhakar Rao, People's capital chairman Chintalapati Srinivasa Rao are also included as members in the committee.
(AW: Vamshi)