Telangana Telugu Desam Party has raked up a new controversy by accusing YS Jagan's role in the ban of news channels TV9 and ABN AndhraJyothy in the state. TDP MLA Errabelli Dayakar Rao suspected that Jagan was the behind the blocking of TV9 and ABN channels in Telangana as they are continuously publishing Jagan's disproportionate assets case details.
Speaking, Dayakar Rao said, “KCR and Jagan have joined hands behind and are responsible for the blockage of news channels. This is undemocratic decision and we threaten the government to launch a massive protest if the ban on news channels is not lifted. We will also fight against TRS government's decisions that are against public.”
Dayakar Rao also added that because of KCR's attitude many industries are flying to other states which is eventually affecting people of Telangana. “ Now the people are repenting for voting to TRS party and looking forward for the 2019 elections. TDP will grew in the coming days and in GHMC elections we will show our stamina. 2019 elections are ultimate goal and will bring TDP to power in Telangana,” added Dayakar Rao.
We have to see how TRS government and Jagan responds on these allegations.
(AW: Vamshi)