Actor and Hindupuram MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna said Telugu Desam Party will come to power in the Telangana in the 2019 elections. Taking part in Mahanadu, Balakrishna's presence excited the fans and he cheered them with his speech. “Though geographically we are divided we are Telugu people and in 2019 elections, TDP will come to power in Telangana also. Chandrababu has the credibility to develop both the states,” said Balayya.
Telangana TDP MLA Revanth Reddy was spotted in the second day of Mahanadu who was absent on the first. Revanth compared TDP with a university and said leaders who joined and left TDP have turned as good politicians. “It was NTR's efforts to form a government in the national level without Congress's support and TDP will focus on development rather than politics. I'm also confident that TDP will into come power in Telangana region also,” added Revanth.
Senior leader Mothukapalli Narasimhulu and Devender Goud also participated in Mahanadu. There was a huge traffic jam at Gandipet as TDP supporters were poruing down in heavy number.
(AW: Vamshi)