Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy made a surprise move by stripping the portfolio of Assembly Affairs from the Telangana Minister Sridhara Babu and giving it to the Andhra Minister Sailajanath.
KCR also surprised everyone with a cool response for the development. He said that nothing to be worried about. He said that things of this type are normal at the final stages of formation of a state. He also said that the Assembly has nothing to do with the Bill. He assured Telangana leaders that only The Government of India has powers to form a new state.
Sridhara Babu said that he does not know the reason for removing the portfolio from him. He said that Telangana state formation is more important than ministries. Talking to the media persons today Sridhara Babu said that the portfolio of Commercial Taxes is not acceptable to him. He said that he does not have any interest now on any of the ministries.
All Telangana leaders except TRS President KCR criticized Kiran Kumar Reddy for his unwarranted change to stall the Telangana Bill. They called a bandh call in Karimnagar in protest of the removal of the Minister for Assembly Affairs when the time has come to start debates on the bill in the Assembly.