The last phase of 1.25 lakh acres of land to distribute to 80000 landless poor is started by the Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy on Friday which will be completed by the end of this month in 22 districts. It makes a total distribution of 77 lakh acres to 40 lakh landless poor.
Kiran Kumar Reddy said that it is the right of the farmer’s families to get land and also it gives them financial stability. He also promised that 30 laksh acres of land will be brought under irrigation under the scheme of Jala Prabha next year.
Kiran Kumar Reddy said that 40 lakh beneficiaries of the land will also get crop loans for which discussions with NABARD were held and the total program will be chalked out after discussing with the Banks also.
In order to protect the Government land from land grabbers, Kiran Kumar said the Government is considering fencing them. Lands of 16000 acres worth Rs.18000 crore is identified in urban and mandal head quarters. The Government lands as per revenue records are computerized and a website ‘Sarkari Bhoomi’ is created for the purpose of general public to have knowledge about it.