Serial Blast at Bodh Gaya in Bihar rocked the area on Sunday Morning. A total of 10 blasts in which the first one went off at 5.45 a.m. all in and around the famous shrine of Buddhists. The blasts took place after the daily chanting for 30 minutes was over and were going in to the temple for doing meditation after that.
Mahabodhi temple is the place where Buddha had realization as the Buddhists believe and it is a place of worship for many pilgrims all over the world. Intelligence agencies say that the incident may be a retort from Muslim terrorists for the recent violence in Myanmar where Muslim groups were targeted. The agencies were having information that Buddhist places will be the targets of Indian Muzahideen.
Delhi vigilance says that the Bihar Government did not take their prior intimation of suspected attacks. The Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar rushed to the spot. He said that he requested the center to send NIA for investigation and Central Industrial Security Force to take rescue operations.
BJP criticized JD(U) Government and shouted slogan against it and called for a bundh to day.
The Special Task Force arrested Anwar Hussain Mullick at Kolkata bus stand on Saturday in the late hours who was found having possession of fake Indian Currency and explosives. They are thinking in the lines of a connection between the terrorists’ organization he works with and the serial blasts in Bodh Gaya.
The authorities say that the main Buddha Idol is not damaged in the blasts.The Ministry of Home Affairs sent alerts to all Buddhists' places of worship in the Country in the wake of the blasts at Bodh Gaya.