A special flight is arranged by the TDP President Chandra Babu Naidu to bring back the Telugu people from Delhi. Although some of the pilgrims of AP could somehow reach Delhi, they are not able to travel back to the State. Seeing their plight, Chandra Babu arranged a special flight to carry 198 of them to Hyderabad all paid by TDP and from there the party workers will help them reach their places.
As always, the initiation taken by the TDP in Delhi AP Bhavan to meet and inquire the welfare of the Uttarkhand victims was criticized as a political move. The services of the team of doctors TDP arranged for the medical care at Dehradun was flatly rejected there.
But Chandra Babu gave assurance to the Telugu people that he is for them and no need to worry. As he gave assurance, he talked to the victims and their problems were brought to the notice of the ministries and authorities concerned. And also he arranged a flight that leaves Delhi in the evening today for Hyderabad at the cost of the party to help the flood victims reach their homes.