NTR Literary Award carrying a cash prize of Rs. one lakh and citation is presented by NTR Vignana Trust to an Odisha writer Manoj Das on NTR's birthday. Manoj Das is a famous writer who wrote in the languages of Oriya and English. Manoj Das was previously received Padmasree award for his contribution to Oriya literature.
The occasion was attended by Dr.C.Narayana Reddy who praised NTR for his acting talent to present different and opposite roles with ease.
The NTR Vignan Trust is headed by late NTR’s wife Lakshmi Parvathi who is serving as its chair person. While presenting the award to Manoj Das Lakshmi Parvathi spoke about NT Rama Rao and reminded of his efforts for retaining the pride of Telugu people.
The Trust’s endeavor to honor persons contributed to the literary works of different languages was appreciated by the persons attended the award presentation function and wished that it will go on in future also in memory of the great son of the soil of AP- NTR.