Congress MPs talks with Rahul Gandhi lasted for one and half hours yesterday. MPs suggested that the candidature should be announced in advance of elections so that they can prepare well unlike the practice of identifying them after election schedule is announced. For this Rahul Gandhi gave a positive response.
PCC and DCC leaders are asked to keep off from the elections and rather concentrate on the strengthening the party. Mostly the present political situation in the State and the ways to strengthen the party in the wake of coming elections formed part of the discussions.
The boiling issue of separate Telangana State was to be avoided in the discussions as it would divide the MPs in to two and the overall party’s strategic plans will get hampered, as per the advice of Gulam Nabi Azad who met the MPs at Hyderabad to have an advance information about what will come up in the final discussions with the AICC Vice President at Delhi. In spite of it, the issue was raised and for that an assurance came from Rahul that a separate meeting for that will be held with MPs representing Telangana region. MP Vivek said later how a dead line can be put to Rahul to decide on Telangana issue. But, he said, the decision of the reorganizing of fertilizer plant at Ramagundam, Karimnagar District was welcomed by Rahul Gandhi.
Complaints against Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy for his way of dealing with affairs of the State without taking anyone in to confidence also rented the air.
So many things were discussed. But nothing was resolved. An all is well tendency continued. Happy ending came to the discussions with all goody goody things of the AICC leaders.