A case has been filed against Lanco Hills management today. Upon the complaint of Rajendra Nagar MRO, Rayadurgam police have filed IPC section 427 and 447 sections against Lanco. According to the police, Lanco Hills company has been using the government land in Manikonda area of Hyderabad as dumping yard. The MRO, who reportedly took the note of the same, has sent across legal notices to Lanco management. However, the company didn't respond even after 15 days. Therefore, the mandal revenue officer of Rajendra Nagar has approached the police.
On the other hand, Lanco management was not available for the comment. Let us briefly know as to what the sections - 427 and 447 deal with.
Whosoever commits any mischief and causes damage to government property that is worth Rs. 50 and above will be punishable with the simple imprisonment of two years to which a fine may be added to-IPC Section 427.
Whosoever commits criminal trespass will be punishable with a jail sentence that may extend up to three months to which a fine of Rs. 500 may be added to-IPC Section 447.
Andhra Wishesh would closely follow this case. Therefore, visit this space for more updates.
(AW Phani)