Kiran sarkar is facing extreme criticism from all the opposition parties in the state. Two major opposition parties gearing up for moving no confidence motion is a clear indication over the same. Notably, TRS on Thursday has handed over the no confidence notice to speaker Nadendla Manohar. YSRC is also gearing up for giving the notice today itself. With the support of Nagam Janardhan, Left parties and BJP, a notice consisting of 25 signatures of MLAs was given to the speaker.
In case YSRC also gives a notice today, speaker alone will decide to merge these two no confidence notices or not. The observers have said that in case, TDP-the main opposition party-although didn't move no confidence now, it is most likely to vote against Congress as it's an opposition party that's opposed to Congress. Within ten days, the state would get to know what would happen. Notably, this is the second time that Kiran sarkar is facing no confidence.
(AW Phani)