Secunderabad MLA Jayasudha-as said earlier-has tendered resignation for MLA post. She has sent her resignation letter to chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy. It has to be mentioned here that Jaya Sudha-the actor turned politician-was offered an MLA ticket in 2009 from Secunderabad constituency. She won the elections and became an MLA. Although there was some speculations about her possibility of joining YSRC earlier, she more or less didn't maintained a low profile, said observers.
While Congress party was seriously exercising in preparing list of MLA candidates, Jayasudha last evening came before the media and told that she would resign as an MLA in case MLA ticket is given to the family members of Banda Karthika Reddy. There has been no information as to why Jayasudha was against the decision taken by the Congress high command or why she allegedly resorted to political blackmail. As said earlier, she finally resigned as an MLA.
Legislators, who have to take care of the public, can't quit the posts this way over personal reasons, said observers who even stressed that Jayasudha should owe an explanation to all the people who have voted for her. When asked political analysts whether Jayasudha would quit Congress too, they said that Jayasudha may or may not quit Congress but stepping down from the post surely sends across strong signals to the high command stating that the person is disobeying the decision at the apex level. They even said that Jayasudha is most likely to join YSRC. Whatever the reason it may be, will people again vote back Jayasudha if she gets a ticket from the same party or from different party? It's a million dollar question.
(AW Phani)