Kancherla Gopanna, who is famously known as Bhakta Ramadasu, was remembered on the eve of his 380th birthday anniversary. Bhadrachalam temple authorities have grandly celebrated Kancherla Gopanna's birth anniversary. Besides holding narada neerajanam (devotional music ceremony), his idol at the temple was washed by Godavari water and panchamrut (mixture of five fluids).
Every year Ramadasu's birth anniversary will be celebrated at Bhadrachalam as this temple was built by him, which invited the wrath of seventh Qutub Shahi (Bahamani dynasty), Abul Hassan Tana Shah. It is a known fact that Ramadasu was imprisoned at Golconda fort for the same following which Abul Hassan Tana Shah dreamt Lord Rama and Lakshmana offering him the gold coins. It was said that upon awakening from dream, Tana Shah would be surprised to see gold coins in front of him. He then immediately releases Ramadasu, who was said to have eventually left his earthly body.
(AW Phani)