Just as festive celebrations come to an end, fuel ministry has hiked the cost of petrol. As per the initial notifications Rs 0.35 ps is hiked per litre of petrol that is effective from midnight today.
Petrol would cost Rs 67.56 as the date changes today in the national capital. However the new rate would differ in various states as the VAT structure differs per state. This is considerably the first hike in 2013, as the government had deregulated the fuel prices.
During the current fiscal year that ends on March 31, 2013, fuel prices soared up twice totaling to about Rs1.51 ps per litre. The first was effected in October and the second was in November last year.
The deregulation of the essential fuel had been announced by the ministry in 2010. As per the orders. Fuel price increases will be made by the Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) in consultation with the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. (Wishesh AarKay)