Legendary NT Rama Rao's statue row is taking new twists and turns. At first Chandrababu lashes out at Purandareshwari, then latter's husaband plunged into action and takes on Babu. Then comes widow of NTR and lashes out at Babu and Purandareshwari. Why is it that people from one family are hitting headlines time and again with in two days over setting up a statue of a legendary personality? Was it the game of the credit or a point to prove that the other was wrong? So many questions in common man's mind that are being discussed at chai shops and bus stops.
Latest one to step into scene to make a point was Nandamuri natasimhan Balakrishna. It is known that this actor shifted his attention from silver screen to political scene quite sometime back. He even took on Gudivada MLA recently. Now, he said the credit of setting up the proposed NTR statue goes to Chandrababu Naidu alone.
Commenting on Puranadareshwari's husband's remarks, he questioned as to what Purandareshwari did when the then chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Y S Rajashekara Reddy denied to recommend erecting NTR statue on parliament premises. He further said when he went to Purandareshwari earlier for taking her signature on the letter by Babu for setting up statue, Purandareshwari passed the time by talking on random things and skipped signing the paper.
With the entry of Balakrishna into this matter, the story seems to be taking a different angle. Will it end here or the family members keep on making statements against each other through the media, questioned observers. Whatever it might be, NT Rama Rao was undoubtedly a legendary personality, who fought for the self respect of Telugu speaking people. He was a legend who took up many reforms in the state and banned alcohol in the state.
(AW Phani)