An Indian diamond, which was extracted from Golconda Mines in erstwhile Hyderabad, became one of the costliest diamonds in the world as it was auctioned at a price of $21.47 million on Tuesday. The seventy six caret diamond broke several world records. Named Archduke Joseph, this costliest diamond was clear and colourless. This diamond came from the same mines, which gave Koh-e-Noor diamond
The jewelery experts in Geneva have said that the diamond was cushion shaped and was the puresst besides most colourless variety of diamond. The name of the diamond comes from Archduke Joseph, who was once head of Hungarian state. This diamond, which was sold to anonymous buys way back in 1936 was hidden in a safe place to avoid the attention of Nazis. It was sold in Geneva in 1990s for a six and half million dollars.
(AW Phani)