DMK supremo and former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Karunanidhi has written a letter to TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu. In his letter, Mr Karunanidhi asked Babu to be careful about his health in the wake of the ongoing padayatra. TDP leaders and fans of Chandrababu expressed their happiness over Karunanidhi's concern. They even said that it leaders from the ruling party had no concern for Babu (the opposition leader) since he had a drastic fall from the stage the other day due to which he developed a majoy back injury. There has been no information whether Karunanidhi extended his solidarity to Vastunna Meekosam padayatra or not. But, the reports confirmed that Karunanidhi wanted Babu to be in good health.
It may be noted that Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra started on October 2 from Hindupur of Anantapur district. He walked over 200 kilometres in Anantapur and entered Kurnool district followed by Mahabubnagar district. At Gadwal on Friday, Chandrababu Naidu was addressing the public meeting and stage suddenly caved in leaving scores of his followers in shock. Following this incident, Babu took bed rest for a day.
(AW Phani)