Life is beautiful, but not so for Jagan, as per the court verdict scheduled for the day. The Supreme Court of India today posted the hearing to September 28 after the CBI council arguing over the issue in the disproportionate assets case. CBI that was cornering the leader in the suitcase companies case has filed 4 charge sheets in this case. Summing up all the charge sheets the young MP from Kadapa was alleged to have amassed wealth to the tune of Rs 1,595 Cr. After examining the affidavits filed by the investigating agency the apex court set the date on September 28 to hear the arguments of the both the councils.
With his bail application due for trail today, the CBI had sent a strong request to the apex court protesting his bail. The fear was on grounds that he might tamper the evidence. They also informed the apex court that the evidence from various countries are being sought in the suitcase company case.
That simply means that the YSR Congress leader needs to stay comfortable in the Chanchalaguda prison for another fortnight. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)