The union minister Gulam Nabi Azad, who visited Bhudaan Pochampalli on the outskirts of Hyderabad, has remembered Acharya Vinoba Bave. He called upon the public to follow the ideologies of Vinoba. He has taken part in a public meeting along with chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy wherein he addressed the public. He even inaugurated Ramananda Teertha guest house at Boodhan Pochampalli.
Hailing Vinoba Bave, Mr. Azad said a large number of people donated lands to Vinoba just on his call for action to donate lands to poor. Meanwhile, Kiran Kumar Reddy has laid foundation stone for the road widening works between Kothagudem and Bhudaan Pochampalli. He has also said that Rs. 50 lakh was donated to Vinoba Bave ashram.
(AW Phani)