What Neelima, the Infosys employee, had done in the two hours that she was at the parking lot before her death, still remains a mystery. The later story was unfolded after the official postmortem reports from the forensic departments were revealed on the night of Wednesday. After the official confirmation, the police have concluded the case to be a suicide as the report stated that the injuries could have been caused only by her falling from a height and were not inflicted before she died.
The sample of her viscera had been sent to the AP Forensic Science Laboratory, but the reports are yet to be received. The police said that Neelima's death was a clear case of suicide as revealed by the forensic reports but they were too wary of there could be some stone that would be left unturned so they had been waiting for the FSL reports. The FSL reports would show consolidated evidence whether she was sedated or if there was any other suspicious fluid in her stomach. The case was however concluded that it was a case of suicide after they had gone through all her emails and call details.
Doctors who conducted the postmortem said that the punctured right lung and ruptured lived had killed her. Ribs that were fractured from the fall on her chest and side had punctured her lung. The external injuries also have a typical pattern as that of a fall.
(AW- Anil)