The Central Administrative Tribunal has set aside Dinesh Reddy as the Director General of Police of Andhra Pradesh. Acting on a petition filed by one Gautam Kumar, CAT has issued the order to the Andhra Pradesh Government stating that Dinesh Reddy is ineligible for the highest post in the state police. The CAT, therefore, asked the government to appoint another senior IPS as the DGP in the place of Dinesh Reddy. It may be noted that home secretary Gautam Kumar earlier also filed a petition challenging K Arvinda Rao as DGP of AP. After going through the petition, the CAT in 2011 ordered AP Government to appoint another DGP and Dinesh Reddy replaced Arvinda Rao.
Gautam Kumar again filed a petition in the Central Administrative Tribunal and challenged the appointment of Dinesh Reddy as DGP and CAT found him ineligible for the post of DGP.
(AW Phani)