Another Minister has been summoned from the 'Kiran Sarkar' by the investigating agency late last night. Minister for Information Technology and Communication Ponnala Lakshmaiah has been summoned by the CBI on June 07 for questioning. The Minister is the latest victim in the 26 controversial GO’s pertaining to the disproportionate assets case of the YSR Congress party Chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy.
The Minister was at Warangal, when the notice was issued by the CBI. In reply the Minister assured his fullest co-operation to the CBI in the case. Known for his integrity the Minister is the Congress Honcho in Warangal. The Minister is probably summoned for the Water Allotment GO’s while he was the Minister for Major Irrigation Projects in the erstwhile late Y S Rajashekhar Reddy cabinet in 2004. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)