Vijayawada Congress MP Lagadapati Rajagopal embarks on the latest allegations that the incarcerated YSR Congress Leader Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy had warned ace director Ram Gopal Varma to cut his role in the film based on factionist feuds. The MP said that the director had explicitly told him, that Jagan wanted the roles of his and his father YS Rajashekar Reddy's to be cut short. As of now there are no comments from the bold director, who is always in the news for controversies. Tollywood believes that some portion of the film had been removed by the director but has no confirmation of Jagan being involved.
On the other hand the film on the murder of a TDP MLA Paritala Ravi has taken another turn. The Raptadu MLA Paritala Sunitha (Ravi’s wife) is now accusing Jagan of conspiring with factionist Maddelacheruvu Suri and supplying bullet proof jackets to sharp shooters Moddu Seenu & Co. to eliminate Anantapur strongman Paritala. She even sat on deeksha on Tuesday demanding a thorough investigation into Jagan's role in a sensational murder case. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)