The Central Bureau of Investigation, which is probing illegal assets case, seems to be in a fix as the counsels of Jaganmohan Reddy asked the bureau to produce the video recordings of grilling YS Jaganmohan Reddy. The defense counsels made this demand as the CBI reportedly said before court that Jaganmohan Reddy didn’t cooperate during three days when the sleuths questioned him on matters pertaining to illegal assets in the presence of other accused who were arrested by the CBI.
CBI even said that Jagan gave harsh replies. It is known that CBI recorded the questioning of Jaganmohan Reddy and Nimmagadda Prasad (both accused in illegal assets case) at Dilkusha Guest House since they are high profile personalities. CBI has also reportedly said that Nimmagadda Prasad was taking longer time for answering.
Jagan’s lawyers who refuted the allegations have challenged the CBI to produce the videos before the CBI Court, which is trying illegal assets case. (Phani)