Primary key of EAMCET on Sunday

May 12, 2012 18:22
Primary key of EAMCET on Sunday

The primary key of the EAMCET that was conducted on Saturday would be released by Sunday evening. JNTU officials have said this in Hyderabad this evening.  After observing the objections and complaints from students, the final key would be released on May 24.

The officials have said that the attendance percentage for EAMCET engineering examination was 96.66. They have also said that a few candidates in Kurnool district allegedly tried to enter the examination hall with fake hall tickets. The five candidates holding fake hall tickets were handed over to the police, said JNTU officials. Also, another student in Kadapa was caught red-handed when he was tried to write the examination using the mobile phone. In fact, mobile phones are not allowed as per the examination rules.

The results of EAMCET was scheduled to be released on May 24. Along with marks, ranks would also be declared unlike previous years wherein marks used to be declared first and rank cards used to be dispatched later.       (Phani)

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