The prime accused in the murder of faction leader Maddelacheruvu Suri alias Gangula Suryananarayana Reddy, Bhanu Kiran has allegedly applied for Aadhar card with the name—Mahesh Kunjam. All this he did while he hid himself at Seoni of Madhya Pradesh. The irony is that Bhanu Kiran has got a ration card, driving licence and even a PAN card in the name of Mahesh Kunjam.
Bhanu revealed all facts in the investigation by CID sleuths. He has reportedly stated that he obtained PAN card, driving licence and ration card with the help of his car driver. With the help of these three documents, Bhanu applied for an Aadhar card in Andhra Pradesh.
In revelations, Bhanu apparently stated that he became a right hand of Suri by helping him when he faced the charges of attempt to murder of Paritala Ravindra. Suri, however, lost his confidence on Bhanu when the latter settled a land dispute without the knowledge of the former. When Suri received complains from gang members that Bhanu procured large amounts of money by settlements, Suri allegedly threatened to eliminate Bhanu and also his brother Vamshi.
Feared that Suri would really kill him, Bhanu hatched a murder plot and allegedly killed Suryanarayana Reddy.