The Rajya Sabha member and Congress MP, Renuka Chowdhary has come down heavily on the allegations leveled against her by the eight Congress MPs who were suspended a few days ago for creating ruckus in the house on Telangana issue. Sources said Renuka Chowdhary she would send legal notices to the MPs who passed comments on her. Further, she said she hails from Telangana region and she has done so much for the development of the region. Renuka Chowdhary stressed she brought funds from the Centre to develop the region. “Taking on a woman this way is not the culture of Telangana,” she stressed.
It may be recalled that the Congress MPs including Madhu Yashki Goud took on heavily on Renuka Chowdhary stating that she was against Telangana. The leaders said it was unfortunate there was no support for them from Renuka Chowdhary.
All these elements clearly prove that the Congress doesn’t need any opposition. There is an opposition in the party itself. It looks like the MPs were either targeting Renuka Chowdhary or the Congress party itself. Is there any opposition party behind this episode is another question that has become topic of the town. All in all, the Congress suspended MPs-who once hailed the high command are apparently going against the high command. Will they quit the Congress and bring split in the party on the issue remains to a rhetorical question. (Phani)