The minister for Health, Kondru Muralimohan has said that at trauma care centre would soon be set up at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) in Hyderabad. The minister has recently inaugurated 16 slice multi detector scanning machine with a cost of 2.8 crore rupees besides installing Karlajees Pentro Microscope in Neuro Surgery department with an estimated cost of four crore rupees. A centralized medical store was also set up in the third floor of the hospital.
The minister has said that 65 crore rupees has been sanctioned for the upcoming NIMS campus in Bibinagar area, which is on the outskirts of Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, NIMS former director Kakarla Subbarao who presided over the programme has said that the government should extend its support for the development of NIMS hospital. With the arrival of the new micro scope to NIMS, the blood vessel operations and even brain operations would now become easier, said the doctors at NIMS.
Let us hope that NIMS should continue to advance its technology and not just lakhs in our country but millions of people across the globe. (Phani)