The suspended Congress MPs from Telangana region have took on the Rajya Sabha MP, Renuka Chowdhary alleging that she was against the idea of formation of Telangana State. The MPs have said that Renuka never supported the movement. Her recent statements were derogatory to the movement, they added.
The MPs have also said that Renuka not extending support to them when they were staging protest on Parliament premises was unfortunate. It may be recalled that eight MPs were suspended for four days after they went into the speaker’s well and raised slogans in support of the cause. They have also displayed placards. When the home minister and the minister of parliamentary affairs tried to calm them, the MPs didn’t listen. Upset with the behavior of MPs, the Congress party took the decision of suspending them from the house.
Meanwhile, MPs have also took on BJP and stated that BJP was not keen over formation of separate state. They said it leader of the opposition in the house, Sushma Swaraj pressed the Congress to take the suspension decision.
The BJP is yet to react to these allegations. Did BJP really pressed for suspension of MPs is the question that has become topic of the town. (Phani)