CM Kirankumar reddy reportedly asked the police officers to revoke the cases filed against persons involved in the Telangana agitation in the T region and the pro-united AP agitation in the Seema Andhra region.
Reviewing the law and order situation in the state at a high level police officers’ meeting in Hyderabad today, Kirankumar told them to cancel as many cases as possible before the budget session of the assembly.
Sources revealed that CM asked the police officers to review the cases filed against students who are eligible for applying jobs. “Decide the cases against students very fast and don’t prolong the cases any more,” he reportedly suggested in the review meet. “However, take care that you don’t face legal problems in this regard,” he said.
Reports said that police have totally booked 1400 cases against students in the state for participating in the agitations in both Telangana and Seema Andhra areas. Out of this, some 600 cases may be revoked in a few days.
The police officers however fear that revoking of cases filed in arson and looting incidents may again provoke the students into such violent behaviour and lead to similar demands in future too. (JUBS)