The special CBI court at Nampally in Hyderabad today began the trial in the illegal mining case involving the former Karnataka Minister Gali Janardhan reddy, his brother-in-law Mr BV Srinivasa reddy, former director of the AP Mining Department Mr Rajagopal and the suspended IAS officer Sri Lakshmi.
The CBI officials brought the accused from the Chanchalguda jail and produced them before the court as the trial began.
On the orders of the special judge Mr Nagamaruthi Sarma, court staff distributed the copies of the CBI charge sheet to the accused. The court adjourned further trail to Jan 25.
Gali Janardhan reddy requested the judge with folded hands to grant him bail saying he would apply for bail again on Jan 22. “Sir, I want your blessings. I will not run away from the country. Show compassion towards me and grant me bail,” he prayed in the court.
With the adjournment of the trial, the court also extended the judicial custody of the accused till Jan 25.
Judge Nagamaruthi Sarma also adjourned till Jan 25 hearing on the petition filed by the suspended IAS officer Srilakshmi seeking special status in the jail. (JUBS)