Chief Minister Kirankumar reddy and PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana attended a function at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad marking the 127th foundation day of the Indian National Congress today.
PRP founder-turned congress politician Mr Chiranjeevi was conspicuous by his absence at the function in which the party flag was hoisted by Botsa.
Former PCC chief Mr D. Srinivas was also present at the celebrations where speakers spoke about the history of the Congress party and its growth over the decades. Speaking on the occasion, Kirankumar, Botsa and Srinivas reiterated the state government’s commitment to continue with developmental activities and welfare programmes for the progress of the people.
However, it is not clear whether or not the mega star Chiranjeevi was invited to the celebrations or Chiranjeevi absented himself despite receiving an invitation. Chiranjeevi was recently included as a member in the reconstituted state congress core committee which functions as a coordinator between the government and the PCC. (JUBS)